Tag Archives: entity framework; c#; designer

Entity framework 3.5 cryptic error: “Two entities with different keys are mapped to the same row…”

Just putting this out there might save someone some pain and time. I got the error after adding an association (one to many).

On comparing this association with another one that did not have an error, and on reading this<a href=””&gt; post</a>, it was clear that the entity designer did not add the all important line

<Condition ColumnName=”” IsNull=”false”/>;

see the entire associationsetmapping below. I deleted columnnames but in the snippet above the colulmn name is the actual db columnName (the ‘store’ model in EF – as opposed to the ‘conceptual’ model) of the primary key in the one side of the association
<AssociationSetMapping Name=”” TypeName=””; StoreEntitySet=”>
<EndProperty Name=””><ScalarProperty Name=”” ColumnName=”” /></EndProperty>
<EndProperty Name=””> <ScalarProperty Name=”” ColumnName=”” /></EndProperty>
<Condition ColumnName=”” IsNull=”false” />;


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Posted by on September 11, 2013 in software

